Permanent teeth whitening applications are applications that lighten the color tone up to 1-3 shades in cases where the tooth color is dark or yellow and enable us to achieve permanent tooth whiteness. Various teeth whitening agents are used in permanent teeth whitening. There are two types of teeth whitening methods; office type and home type.
What is the Office Type Teeth Whitening Method?
It is a method that we apply in our clinic with an organic teeth whitening agent and takes approximately 1 hour. Whitening agent is applied to the teeth for 3 sessions every 15 minutes. In this method, a beam device is used that also activates whitening and increases its effect. At the end of the session, the teeth are washed and the whitening effect is seen immediately.
What is the Home Teeth Whitening Method?
In this whitening method, a personalized soft plate is obtained with the help of impressions so that the patient can apply the whitening agent at home. This soft plate has small areas where the whitening agent will be placed. The patient is explained how to insert the agent and is asked to perform this application only while sleeping or for 2 hours a day, according to the working principle of the material used.
A permanent whiteness is achieved on the teeth after this home-type whitening performed for 1-2 days, a week or 10 days.
Will there be sensitivity or pain after whitening?
The agents used in the whitening process are highly developed materials today. For this reason, due to its desensitizing properties, no pain is expected. However, a small amount of sensitivity can be expected for 1-3 days. This sensitivity, which is especially severe on the first day, will gradually decrease.
An effective change is achieved in your smile with the office-type teeth whitening agents we apply in our clinic. However, in order to increase the whitening effect and permanence, a special plaque is produced for you after the office application and your home whitening agent is delivered to you for you to use at home. Thus, a whiter and more permanent result is achieved with a double whitening effect.
Permanent teeth whitening applications, especially after perfect tooth alignment obtained through orthodontic treatment, are an important part of smile aesthetics.
Will my teeth turn yellow again after whitening?
Beyazlatma işlemi sonrasında belirli bir süre ile dikkat edilmesi gerekenler listesi paylaşılır. Bu listede genellikle renkli gıdalar , asitli içecekler, salçalı yiyecekler, çay, kahve, sigara kısıtlaması yer alır. Eğer kişi beyazlatma işlemi sonrasında bunlara dikkat etmezse tekrar sararmalar görülebilir. Özellikle ilk 10 gün çok önemlidir. Beyazlatma tedavisinde, ilerleyen zamanlarda çay, kahve ve sigara tüketimi dişlerin beyaz kalma süresi ile doğrudan ilişkilidir.