During the growth and development period, we can solve many skeletal problems such as jaw expansion, lower jaw forward, upper jaw forward and similar skeletal problems with various orthodontic treatment methods. While we can expand the jaw with various screw appliances in cases of jaw stenosis, today we can only expand the jaw with the help of transparent plates.
In cases such as upper jaw lagging and lower jaw leading, we can provide a tremendous correction in the facial skeleton by moving the upper jaw forward with a simple device we call ‘Face Mask / Reverse Headgear’.
When the lower jaw is receding, we provide a very good correction in the skeleton by moving the lower jaw forward with the method of using transparent plates to bring the lower jaw forward.
We can perform all these skeletal treatments only between the ages of 7-12, that is, during the period when growth and development continues. In older ages, instead of skeletal treatments, we only perform dental camouflage treatments or jaw surgeries.
Jaw Expansion
In cases of severe jaw stenosis, we can achieve jaw expansion with the help of a screw appliance during the growth and development period. However, today we can solve this problem much more comfortably and easily by widening the jaw with transparent plates. We can achieve a very good level of expansion in the jaw with the transparent aligners that we wear 20 hours a day. After this expansion, teeth that do not fit into the jaw and are in a crooked position can be replaced, and thus we can place the crooked teeth in their correct positions without the need for any tooth extraction.
Upper Jaw Protrusion Treatment/Moving the Upper Jaw Forward with Face Mask
Between the ages of 7 and 10, we can correct the skeleton by moving the upper jaw forward with the face mask device and suppressing the growth of the lower jaw. We ask our pediatric patients to use the face mask only when they are at home. Thanks to this apparatus, which is used for a minimum of 16 hours a day for 6 months, we achieve a tremendous change in the skeleton. And by using only this appliance, we can prevent jaw surgery in the future.
Treatment of Lower Jaw Retardation
In cases of lower jaw retardation in children in the developmental period, we can direct the growth of the lower jaw forward in a very practical and easy way, thanks to the form of transparent plate treatments that brings the lower jaw forward. Thanks to the flaps in the form of transparent plates that bring the lower jaw forward, we position the jaw forward and in its correct position for 9 months. At the end of 9 months, with the adaptation of the muscles and the formation of new bone in the jaw joint, the lower jaw is now in its correct position and the facial skeleton is corrected. If this treatment is not performed during the growth and development period, various jaw surgeries may be required in the future to bring the lower jaw forward. Because not positioning the jaws in the correct position can cause many discomforts not only in terms of aesthetics but also in terms of function. Pain, especially in the jaw joint, and various traumas due to malocclusion can be observed.