Preventive and abortive orthodontic treatments performed between the ages of 7-10 are very valuable to us. Thanks to the transparent plate treatments we provide in this age group, we can prevent severe jaw problems and disorders that may occur in the future. In cases where there is limited space in the jaw, as the crowding increases day by day, we may encounter much more serious situations that require tooth extraction in the future. Thanks to these treatments performed in early childhood, we prevent tooth extractions, skeletal problems, jaw narrowness and crowding.
Ensuring that children’s teeth and jaws are straight while they are in the stages of psychological development and self-confidence development gives them a much different motivation during the growth and development period. The number of our children smiling by showing their teeth is increasing as we provide their treatments.
We enable children to design transparent records with various stickers that they will like. Children who design their own special storage boxes and transparent aligners become even more motivated for treatment.
Why do we treat milk teeth at an early age before they change?
The efficiency we receive from the treatments we provide is at the highest level when the baby teeth are still in the mouth and some of the adult teeth have emerged, that is, when children are in the mixed dentition period between the ages of 7-10. Because this is the period when children’s growth and development phases are the fastest and their jaw bones are very suitable for tooth movement. During this period, we can easily move the teeth in the jaw skeleton and obtain results very quickly.
Is it easy for children to get used to clear aligner treatment? Is there any pain?
Children adapt to clear aligner treatment very quickly. Because they have the opportunity to decorate each record with various stickers that they design themselves. At the same time, they can eat and drink whatever they want due to the removable feature of transparent aligners. Since milk teeth are shallow and small teeth, children do not feel any pain during tooth movements. Transparent aligners are a very popular treatment method among children today.
In what cases do we treat in early childhood?
We start clear aligner treatment in children at an early age in all cases of crowded teeth, sparse teeth, jaw problems, jaw stenosis, teeth protruding in different positions, open bite, dental disorders caused by abnormal swallowing and thumb sucking, and similar cases. Thus, we correct all these disorders at an early age and prevent them from transitioning to a more severe form in the future.
'Is my child 8 years old too early for orthodontic treatment?'
No, it's not too early. We can start orthodontic treatments from the age of 6. We can achieve high success in the results obtained from orthodontic treatments performed when pediatric patients have both milk teeth and permanent teeth in the mouth, that is, in the mixed dentition period. Thanks to treatment at an early age, we can prevent more severe problems that may occur in the future.