Gum position is of great importance in the design of a smile or the outcome of orthodontic treatment. The most important elements that complete this design or treatment are that the gums are in the correct position and are healthy and pink. Before laminate or zirconium treatment, gums may need to be arranged and aligned at the end of orthodontic treatment.
Gum aesthetics, which we call ‘gingivoplasty’, is the process of reducing and shaping the gums we perform in cases where the gum covers the surface of the teeth too much. Gum aesthetics is a very important concept for the harmony of teeth and gums. Gum aesthetics/pink aesthetics are also applied if the gums, which we call ‘Gummy Smile’, appear more than they should.
In what cases is gum aesthetics applied?
- Gummy smile / excessive exposure of gums
- Hyperemic gums
- Gums covering the teeth more than they should
- Asymmetrical gum appearance