(0252) 612 71 28

Conservative Dental Treatment

In cases such as tooth decay, wear and loss of tooth material, treatments with a completely up-to-date approach are performed using composite materials in our clinic. In tooth decay treatments performed with state-of-the-art materials, post-treatment pain and sensitivity rates are minimized.

Composite fillings can be shaped easily and cannot be noticed by anyone because they can be applied in a color closest to the tooth. After the application, it is easily shaped to suit your teeth and frozen with a radiation device, and the process is usually completed in a single session.

Thanks to digital dentistry applications, porcelain filling treatments such as onlay and inlay are among the conservative approaches we apply in our clinic.

Is There Pain During Tooth Decay Filling Treatment?

In caries treatments, filling procedures are performed under local anesthesia. Therefore, it is not possible for you to feel any pain. The procedure usually takes between 30-45 minutes, depending on the condition of the decay. It is normal to feel some sensitivity after the procedure and within the first 3 weeks. However, if there is a pain that does not go away and becomes increasingly severe, it needs to be checked.

How long do dental fillings last?

Composite dental fillings can be used for a long time depending on oral hygiene status. If the surface compatibility of the filling with the tooth is good, a quality filling material is used, oral and dental care is performed well, and regular dentist check-ups are performed, composite fillings can remain in the mouth in a healthy way for a lifetime.